16 April 2010

Mbah Priok Grave to Have Underground Access

Mbah Priok Grave to Have Underground Access

BERITA JAKARTA.COM — 4/15/2010 10:11:46 PM

State port operator PT Pelindo says it will not move the grave of Mbah Priok. Moreover, the company plans to build an underground channel to facilitate pilgrims visiting the tomb, so as to make them not disrupted by container loading-unloading activities.

The 400-meter-long channel is planned to be constructed from Jl Jampea to the area of Mbah Priok. The construction is expected to be completed this year, with the construction costs entirely borne by PT Pelindo II.

President Director of PT Pelindo II, R.J. Lino said the construction of the underground channel was intended to provide access to the pilgrims going to the shrine. In line with the construction, the pavilion, and the gate way will be moved to the south side of the grave. This measure is taken in order not to disrupt the entry routes into the container terminal, which is planned to be built in accordance with international standards.

The project is predicted to spend Rp 1 billion. "Pelindo will finance the construction of the underground access," said Lino after mediation meeting at City Hall, Jakarta, Thursday (4/15).

Regarding the master plan, Lino explained that it would be made by involving the beneficiaries of the grave, lawyers, community leaders, and Muslim leaders in North Jakarta. The meeting to discuss the master plan is scheduled to be held at the National Commission for Human Rights office Friday (4/16) at 2 p.m.

Pertaining to material losses incurred from bloody incident taking place Wednesday (4/14) in Mbah Priok’s grave area, the Koja container terminal (TPK) suffered losses reaching 3 billion in total.

General Manager of TPK Koja, Doso Agung, said when the clash broke out, loading and unloading activities were suspended for several times, especially at the first shift and the third shift. "On yesterday morning, the activities run normally, but when condition became heated, the activities were halted. As a result, we suffer losses of around Rp 3 billion," said Doso, Thursday (4/15).


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