29 April 2010

Penambangan Picu Sedimentasi

Truk Pengangkut Pasir Juga Rusakkan Jalan
Kamis, 29 April 2010 | 12:43 WIB
Cirebon, Kompas - Kerusakan lingkungan karena pembukaan tanah, penggalian, serta pencucian pasir di sepanjang Sungai Cisanggarung perbatasan Cirebon-Kuningan disinyalir menjadi salah satu penyebab pendangkalan Sungai Cisanggarung dan Ciberes di Cirebon wilayah timur. Masyarakat minta penggalian pasir ilegal tidak hanya ditutup, tetapi juga diproses secara hukum jika merusak lingkungan.
Dari pantauan sepekan terakhir hingga Selasa (27/4), praktik penggalian pasir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Cisanggarung dan Ciberes tak hanya terjadi Bukit Azimut, Kecamatan Waled, Kabupaten Cirebon. Hulu Cisanggarung di Kuningan, sekitar Blok Putersari, Desa Cikeusik, Kecamatan Cidahu, juga dirambah. Luasnya bervariasi, 1-5 hektar. Penggalian Bukit Azimut dua tahun lalu sempat ditutup Pemerintah Kabupaten Cirebon. Namun, penggali ilegal terkadang masih memanfaatkan pasirnya untuk digali secara manual.

Menurut aktivis lingkungan Petakala Grage, Deddy Madjmoe, penggalian di sejumlah daerah itu disinyalir menjadi salah satu penyebab dangkalnya Sungai Ciberes dan Cisanggarung. Sebab, beberapa di antaranya mempunyai tempat pencucian pasir di sekitar Sungai Cisanggarung. Pencucian ini menyebabkan lumpur galian mengendap di sungai dan membentuk sedimen.
Daerah bekas galian pasir juga tak bisa menyerap dan penyimpan air sehingga air dengan mudah mengalir membawa lumpur ke daerah sungai.
Aktivis Masyarakat Pecinta Sungai, Bambang Sasongko, meminta pemerintah mengkaji penggalian pasir yang merusak lingkungan. "Kalau ilegal, jangan hanya ditutup, tapi diajukan ke pengadilan. Selama ini apa pernah kasus galian pasir ilegal masuk ke pengadilan? Yang ada hanya ditutup, besok pasti ada lagi," katanya.
Selain menyebabkan pengendapan, penggalian pasir dikeluhkan warga karena merusak jalan. Jalan penghubung kecamatan di wilayah timur Cirebon rusak dan berlubang-lubang. Jalur tersebut banyak dilalui truk pengangkut pasir.
Warga Desa Cikulak, Kecamatan Waled, bahkan sempat menanam pohon di lubang jalan di depan RSUD Waled, beberapa waktu lalu, karena kesal akibat rusaknya jalan.
Menurut Adang, warga Cikulak, selama pembangunan Tol Kanci-Pejagan, setiap hari ada sekitar 100 truk yang mondar-mandir membawa material dan pasir melewati jalan-jalan di wilayah timur. Pascapembangunan Tol Kanci-Pejagan, jalan kabupaten dan provinsi itu masih saja dilalui truk pasir. Bahkan truk pasir lewat tanpa penutup bak sehingga debunya bertebaran.
Kepala Badan Koordinator Pembangunan dan Pemerintahan Wilayah III Cirebon Ano Sutrisno mengatakan, persoalan pendangkalan sungai dan kerusakan jalan akan dibahas menyeluruh dengan berbagai instansi. Normalisasi sungai akan dilakukan pemerintah pusat karena butuh dana triliunan rupiah.
"Pendangkalan bukan masalah kecil, menyangkut hubungan antardaerah dengan dana yang tinggi. Penambangan pasir harus segera ditutup jika ilegal. Kalaupun berizin, namun merusak lingkungan, juga harus ditinjau ulang," katanya.
Ano mengakui, truk pasir yang melintasi wilayah timur sering kali kelebihan muatan. Hal itu menyebabkan jalan-jalan di wilayah timur rusak karena tidak didesain untuk menahan berat lebih dari 10 ton. (NIT)


HARIMAU JAWA (Panthera tigris sondaica)

Panthera tigris sondaica konon telah punah. Kabar yang ditiupkan oleh sinyo Robert dalam tulisan etnografisnya berjudul The Last Tiger in East Java yang dimuat dalam Asian Folklore Studies, volume 54, 1995, menyebutkan Macan Jawa yang terakhir, tewas ditikam timah panas (mungkin, dalam satu perburuan) yang ditembakkan dari laras senapan oleh salah satu dari tiga pejabat paling penting demi perkembangan peradaban modern, yaitu Pangeran, Raja, dan Presiden. Sinyo Robert menyebut nama-nama itu sebagai Prince Bernhard dari Belanda, Shah Iran dari Iran, dan Soeharto dari – Indonesia. (dari: Mengenang Panthera Tigris Sondaicus: Apriyadi’s site, 2008).
Benarkah pernyataan tersebut? Sayalah orang pertama yang menyanggah pernyataan diatas. Artinya saya akan mengatakan bahwa : Harimau jawa belum punah, masih ada yang lolos dari sergapan timah panas itu. Dimana hampir selama 13 tahun saya membuntuti bayangan satwa kharismatik tersebut. Foto sosoknya memang belum saya peroleh, tapi bekas aktivitasnya berhasil kami buktikan. Adapun bekas aktivitas harimau itu meliputi: cakaran di pohon, kotoran, jejak tapak kaki, sisa mangsa dan terakhir rambutnya (nanti akan kami bahas tu-persatu dek…., dokrema ampean…, harata…, kumahak atuh….). Selain itu bukti sisa pembantaian berupa gigi (pembantaian 1996) dan sobekan kulit (pembantaian 1995) dari Jawa Tengah berhasil kami koleksi. Ingat!!! dari Jawa Tengah, bukan Jawa Timur yang dianggap sebagai habitat terakhir harimau dari tanah Jawa. Namun untuk gigi dan kulit saat ini sedang dalam tahap rencana penelitian analisis DNA (maklum dana riset kami sangat terbatas, hanya dari sisa keuntungan jualan kaos, buku dan bunga hias). Sebab sudah jarang yang peduli untuk membantu pendanaan riset harimau jawa.

Memang riset harimau jawa ini awal mulanya diinisiasi oleh Kappala-Indonesia-FK3I Jatim-PIPA Besuki-MMB Jember dan di bantu pendanaannya oleh Dana Mitra Lingkungan serta iuran peserta PL-Kapai 1997. Lalu Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jatim II dengan ekspedisi harimau jawa di luar kawasan TNMB. PL-Kapai 1999 di Jateng oleh Kappala Indonesia-Fordik, Survey Habitat Macan di Gunung Kidul dengan BKSDA Jogjakarta th 2000, dan PL-Kapai 2005 oleh Kappala Indonesia dan Kampung di Jateng. Di semua kegiatan itu saya selalu terlibat.

Setelah Seminar Nasional Harimau Jawa 1998, secara pribadi dan mandiri saya mengejar terus ‘bayangan’ harimau jawa itu. Akhirnya secara ilmiah dapat saya buktikan menjadi Buku: Berkawan Harimau Bersama Alam, terbit 2002. dengan penyelaras Mas Eko Teguh Paripurno. Penerbitannya dibantu The Gibbon Foundation. Dan sampai sekarang tak ada yang mengkanter dengan buku, terhadap tulisan buku saya tersebut. Lalu di tahun 2003 saya telah menulis di Kompas mengenai pengamatan manual vs kamer trap, dengan rambut harimau sebagai penguat temuan eksistensinya. Tapi tak mempengaruhi kebijakan siapapun dalam melakukan kajian riset harimau jawa.

Dengan bantuan teman webmaster dari Jogjakarta maka tahun 2004-2006, kami memiliki situs didunia maya dengan alamat: www.javantiger.or.id. Di situs ini kami juga memaparkan perihal hasil-hasil riset yang kami lakukan, bahkan kami berhasil menghimpun masukan posisi-posisi terbaru keberadaan harimau jawa dari audiens. Dan secara ilmiah tidak ada yang menyanggah kajian saya tersebut. Maka beberapa data ini akan saya tampilkan lagi. Data yang telah “usang” saja. Biar ada yang mengkaji dan mengulasnya secara ilmiah. Katanya Indonesia memiliki banyak DOKTOR bahkan GURUBESAR satwa liar. Coba seperti apa ulasan para pakar tersebut.
Ini lho Hasil Riset Itu

Pertama akan saya uraikan dulu mengenai temuan bekas cakaran harimau jawa. Pencakaran merupakan sebuah perilaku harimau untuk menandai kawasan yang menjadi teitorinya. Penggarutan ini bagian dari perilaku khas golongan Felid. Shingga bisa dijadikan sebagai indikasi eksistensi suatu jenis spesies di suatu habiat. Tidak mungkin ada cakaran tapi tidak ada satwa yang melakukannya.

Kalau sinyo Robert (pinjam istilahe Mas Apriyadi’s site) di Asian Folklore Studies itu terbit tahun 1995, maka dua tahun setelah penerbitan tulisan itu, yaitu tahun 1997, kami berhasil menemukan bekas indikasi kehidupan harimau jawa. Tepatnya bulan Nopember. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. Lalu apakah penulis jurnal tersebut sudah menjelajahi setiap relung habitat hutan jawa tersisa? Atau “jarene peneliti A” juga “jarene pengamat B”. Jadi hanya sekedar “kulak Jare adol Jare”….. kata javanese people.

Cakaran Loreng Jawa
Foto1. Cakaran Harimau Jawa 1997. (foto ini saya tampilkan dalam buku Berkawan Harimau Bersama Alam, 2002) dan (pernah saya muat di www.javantiger.or.id)
Anda bisa mencermati foto diatas. Bandingkanlah tinggi orang jawa dewasa yang berdiri disamping pohon berasan itu. Tentu Anda akan dapat melihat tigginya hewan yang melakukan pencakaran. Mohon juga amati tingginya pohon yang digunakan untuk melakukan aktivitas pencakaran tersebut. Terutama kalau Anda berhasil melihat sebuah goresan paling tinggi di foto tersebut. Pasti Anda juga dapat melakukan perkiraan mengenai besarnya satwa yang melakkan pencakaran tersebut dari perbandingan diameter pohon dengan besarnya setiap torehan luka yang ditingaklan di kulit pohon tersebut. Temuan bekas cakaran ini adalah hasil riset kami di tahun 1997 (sudah usang bukan? Tapi mana hasil riset Anda terbaru?). Saya kasih bocoran: bahwa Lokasi foto ini ada di daerah Jawa Timur.

Masihkan Anda mengatakan bahwa foto tersebut adalah bekas aktivitas macan tutul? Saya orang pertama yang akan mengatakan Anda salah. Dan saya adalah orang pertama yang akan mengatakan bahwa pencakaran di pohon ini merupakan bekas pencakaran harimau jawa. Alasan saya di karenakan pada analisis saya tentang lebar dan dalamnya bekas pencakaran tersebut. Coba amati gambar 2, perhatikan detail dari rekaman kuku, kalau Anda cermat maka ketajaman dan besarnya jarak antar kuku penggores yang berdekatan, jelas milik harimau jawa. (sengaja tidak saya sampaikan mengenai ukuran lebar, dalamnya luka pencakaran dan tinggi cakaran yang tertinggi dari permukan tanah jika diukur secara vertical tegak lurus). Agar Anda latihan ‘membaca’ secara visual.

Detail Cakaran Loreng Jawa
Foto 2. Detailnya bekas kuku harimau jawa dari Jawa Timur. (foto ini saya tampilkan dalam buku Berkawan Harimau Bersama Alam, 2002).
Setelah enam tahun kemudian saya baru berhasil mengidentifikasi  rambut yang terselip di tepi gurantan, meski hanya menggunakan mikroskup cahaya dengan perbesaran 400 kali. Dimana sebelumnya saya melakukan identifikasi dengan melakukan pencetakan rambut menggunakan metode kutek, tetapi hasilnya masih kurang memuaskan. (untuk rambut: nanti akan saya bahas dikesempatan selanjutnya).

Sisi penguat dari temuan
Pasti Anda masih kurang puas, dan pasti bertanya-tannya seperti apa pembanding bekas pencakaran macan tutul? Mengenai besarnya, polanya dan model garutannya. Selanjutnya perhatikanlah gambar 3 di bawah ini. Semacam inilah kebanyakan bekas pencakaran macan tutul yang saya kumpulkan dari Jawa Timur dan Jawa tengah..

Cakaran Macan Tutul
Foto 3. Bekas cakaran macan tutul. Terdapat dua pola cakaran: nggraut dan nyuwiki. (foto ini saya tampilkan dalam buku Berkawan Harimau Bersama Alam, 2002)
Kalau Anda memiliki ketrampilan membandingkan model cakaran maka dari gambar 3 tersebut Anda akan mengetahui bahwa ternyata pola pencakaran itu ada dua model. Pertama pola pencakaran berupa penggarutan (nggraut: Jw), hasilnya terekam sebagai garutan panjang. Di foto 3 ditunjuk pada bagian atas, sedangkan yang ditunjuk pada bagian bawah merupakan pola cakaran spot atau titik-titik (nyuwiki :Jw).

Masih kurang puas mengenai bekas cakaran macan tutul? Di Gambar 4 ini Anda bisa mengamati seperti apa bekas cakaran macan tutul jika berada di pohon besar. Pelukaan yang masih terlihat merah, membuktikan bahwa pencakaran ini berulang dan masih baru. Artinya entah tadi malam atau beberapa jam yang lalu, pasti tutul itu melitas di kawasan ini. Dan sayapun berhasil menemukan rontokan helaian rambut di bekas pencakaran ini, yang setelah tiga tahun kemudian baru sempat kami identifikasi sebagai milik macan tutul jawa. Tentu hal ini sebagai penguat.

Tinggi Cakaran Tutul Baru
Gambar 4. Cakaran Macan tutul di pohon besar. (foto ini saya tampilkan dalam buku Berkawan Harimau Bersama Alam, 2002)

Apa artinya?
Pengungkapan saya perihal gambar-gambar bekas cakaran harimau jawa dan macan tutul sebenarnya untuk apa? Arti penting pengungkapan ini adalah perihal eksistensi harimau jawa. Dunia boleh bilang harimau jawa punah. Tetapi sebagai penghuni Jawa, saya mengatakan Harimau jawa masih eksis. Data yang saya keluarkan ini adalah data temuan saya di tahun 1997. Anda pasti bertanya, ah… itu kan data 13 tahun yang lalu. Berarti harimau jawa sekarang telah punah…
Kalau pertanyaan itu yang Anda ajukan. Saya akan diam. Sebab Anda pasti berusaha mengetahui dimana pergerakan saya sekarang. Itu tidak perlu saya ungkapkan. Menghadapi publikasi saya perihal eksistensi harimau jawa berdasarkan bekas pencakaran tahun 1997 saja Anda belum menyampaikan argumen riset Anda yang dapat untuk menyanggah secara ilmiah bahwa data yang saya ungkapkan diatas merupakan bekas aktivitas tutul. Apakah tutul di Jawa telah mengalami “gigantisme?” silahkan kaji sendiri.

Yang jelas data temuan kami tersebut diatas mengenai pencakaran harimau jawa, tidak dapat menimbulkan ‘gerakan kesadaran hati’ untuk melakukan perlindungan, perbaikan dan pemulihan habitat harimau jawa. Malah tragisnya di tahun 1999, terjadi euphoria reformasi yang berimbas pada pembabatan hutan jawa secara ganas. Apapun usaha kami untuk mengatakan harimau jawa masih eksis selalu dimentahkan dengan argument : berdasarkan riset kamera trap tidak ditemukan sosok foto harimau jawa. (ha risetnya dimana? Habitat harimau dimana?). Perlu diketahui bahwa seharusnya jika untuk mengkaji eksistensi harimau jawa ya seharusnya semua hutan tersisa yang menjadi habitat harimau jawa di lakukan survey. Nah kalau itu sudah dilakkan baru bisa diketahui ada atau tidaknya harimau jawa. Wong tahun 1999 seorang peneliti Badak di Ujung Kulon saja pernah Berpapasan Langsung dengan Harimau Loreng Gembong. Lalu kenapa hanya Meru Betiri yang di klaim sebagai Habitat Terakir Harimau jawa?

Ha… monggo. Dengan paparan data usang kami diatas (13 tahun yang lalu itu), silahkan Anda renungi sendiri. Saya tidak membutuhkan Anda mempercayai data saya tahun 1997.
Tapi aksi nyata apa yang Anda lakukan untuk peduli terhadap kelangsungan hidup spesies-spesies tertekan yang menghuni pulau Jawa? Silahkan menjawab sendiri dengan Naluri Hati Nurani Anda yang Paling Dalam…..
dari kedalaman hutan jawa yang tersisa, kami menggagas tulisan ini kembali.

28 April 2010

Green Volunteering

Practicing the 3Rs and other conservation measures are an important aspect of leading an eco-friendly lifestyle. While doing our own part for the environment, it’s also important to contribute to society’s efforts to make our environment clean, healthy and sustainable for all. Here are some ways in which residents of all ages and walks of life can get involved in community volunteering efforts.
  1. 1. Step up and clean up!
Beach and park clean ups are an excellent, hands-on way to help improve the environment. Organise a cleanup with your friends, community group or school, and give your favourite park such as Kranji Reservoir, Lower Seletar Reservoir and Sembawang Park a facelift, and reward yourself with a picnic after!
  1. 2. Hold the earth in your hands.
Terrariums are basically glass jars containing plants that flourish for months on end – self-sustaining ecosystems. They beautify any desk or room, and are effective ways of encouraging a love for nature. You can start by attending terrarium making workshops conducted by SEC. Then, you can make your own terrariums out of recycled materials, and sell them to raise funds for your favourite charity organisation. Contact info@sec.org.sg to learn more about terrarium making workshops!
Gambar Galian Ciuyah Waled Cirebon Jawa Barat

  1. 3. Chip in by logging in!
With a busy school schedule, it can be difficult to find the time to volunteer on a regular basis. You can still do your part by helping to spread environmental awareness, online!
North West CDC and SEC have jointly joined GS 2050, a project aimed at guiding Singapore’s environmental development in the coming decades. Log on to www.youthhabitat.sg/gs2050 and make your opinions count by answering a short survey on issues that matter to you, and contribute to forum discussions amongst your peers! Your responses will be collated into a document that will serve as a reference for businesses and policymakers alike.
You can also log on to www.youthhabitat.sg and contribute articles on environmental issues to the site, as well as help maintain the website. Sign up today!
  1. 4. Go out and spread the word!
A great way to raise awareness amongst the young is by encouraging peers to share their thoughts and ideas with one another. SEC trains volunteers to give talks at their schools on topics such as green lifestyle habits and environmental consciousness. Contact us at info@sec.org.sg to get trained as a volunteer speaker today! The public speaking skills and environmental knowledge you will gain in the training workshops will be valuable to you in all aspects of your school and professional life!

Green Tips for Daily Living

Here are some simple “green tips” for every day living. When done regularly, they just become a way of life. Drop us an email at feedback@greenkampong.com with tips of your own.

1. Skip the bottled water
  • Use a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it generates large amounts of plastic container waste.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminium rather than plastic, with you when travelling or at work. This also applies to buying coffee.
2. Borrow instead of buying
  • Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books. Download from bit torrent. Go paperless and wireless.
3. Less petrol means more money
  • Shake those legs! Walk or bike to work. This saves on petrol, ERP and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.
  • Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.

4. Make your own cleaning supplies
  • The big secret: you can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap.
  • Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your indoor air quality. It’s fun!

5. Eat smart
  • If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it’s even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs.
  • Buy locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.

6. Think before you buy
  • Go online to find new or gently used second-hand products. Discover vintage. Whether you’ve just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like yahoo classifieds or ebay to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free. This is especially true for baby’s toys and accessories.
  • Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items.

7. Save energy to save money
  • Use fans whenever possible; air conditioning units are huge energy eaters.
  • Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
  • Unplug appliances when you’re not using them. Or, use a “smart” power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts “phantom” or “vampire” energy use.
  • Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
  • Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.

8. Buy smart
  • Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
  • Wear clothes that don’t need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic chemical use.
  • Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you’ll be happy when you don’t have to replace items as frequently.

9. Save water to save money
  • Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too. Take cold showers whenever possible; avoid baths.
  • Install a low-flow showerhead. They don’t cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
  • Avoid using a dishwasher; soap plates without using the tap and then rinse sparingly.
  • Wash your car as sparingly as possible; commercial carwashes have a tendency to waste large amounts of water though some do use recycled water.

10. Keep electronics out of the trash
  • Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible.
  • Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics and is a growing environmental problem.
  • Recycle your cell phone.
  • What items can and can’t be recycled; lobby to have a recycling bin in your area.

Climate Change – Making the Difference with Every Little Bite

This article is about feeling empowered and taking control of Climate Change. To not get disillusioned with the politics and lack of progress with Kyoto or Copenhagen talks but in fact to inspire yourself and all those around you with the profound impact you can make to Climate Change and the ecology of the planet.
I wrote recently about the ecological/carbon footprint of the disposable (coffee) cup [1]. It is fascinating and counter intuitive that a styrofoam cup (in our current era of green awareness) has a much smaller environmental impact than paper cups, at least in the broader context of energy use and GHG emissions. I get upset that the government doesn’t do more to promote cycling to work; that plastic bags aren’t simply banned or a mandatory levy isn’t  placed on their use;  that so many people take siestas in their cars idling  [2], and that people still want to eat shark’s fin soup! Etc etc the list goes on.
Climate Change has been acknowledged by many as the greatest threat to humanity, biodiversity and planet Earth [3]. In this context I remain troubled not that the climate change (denial) debate continues but that those who are already climate change activists are satisfied with doing nothing or feel that (little) contributions like keeping the A/C at 25c, changing their light bulbs, or turning off various electrical appliances is good enough! Don’t get me wrong, without question every such action makes a difference. But don’t you feel that these (little) acts just don’t seem momentous enough? And does it not perturb you that when you ask the experts, the Climate Change consultants and active speakers, “what can I do as an individual to make a difference?”, the answer (for me has been and) will be, “change your light bulbs, drive less, use public transport, .. etc.,… ”??!!
But aren’t we facing the greatest existential threat in the history planet Earth? For example, in the last 50 years the Arctic has lost 80% of its volume, the majority of which has been lost since 2000 [4]. The Arctic is now forecast to be iceless in summer in the not too distant future [5]. The Arctic reflects up to 80% of the suns radiation and once the Arctic is gone this radiation will be rapidly absorbed by the sea and hence accelerating Global Warming [6]. The further immediate implications for permafrost melt, the death of corals, the Greenland ice sheet  melting (which is equivalent to a 7m sea level rise), .. etc., only further reinforces and accelerates all the real and worst fears of Climate Change.
So do you still feel that changing the light bulbs in your house is the best thing you can do to make a difference? Do you want to go down fighting knowing that you did the most substantial and profound acts to save the Earth and all Earthlings? Well, there is one single act you can do every day to make such a significant difference and that is to reduce and ultimately eat No Meat.
In 2006 the UN FAO published its report “Livestock’s Long Shadow”. The report detailed how animal production accounted for 18% of GHG emissions and how one third of GHG emissions are related to agriculture and land use [7]. And now more recently, a comprehensive re-study of animal production agriculture and landuse by the Worldwatch institute showing that 51% of GHG emissions can be attributed to livestock and their byproducts [8]. And this shockingly large number does not include the other negative ecological effects that are a result of over fertilizing crops, GM contamination, untreated sewage runoff from animal farms, deforestation [9], and or animal welfare concerns [10].
Here are a few more facts and comparisons that may excite you
  1. animal agriculture accounts for 9% of our carbon dioxide emissions, emits 37% of our methane, and a whopping 65% of our nitrous oxide. This is particular more problematic when you know that methane and nitrous oxide are 23 and 296 times more potent than CO2 [11]
  2. If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would save: 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the homes in New England for almost 4 months; 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a year;  70 million gallons of gas–enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare;  33 tons of antibiotics [12]
  3. If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would prevent: Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France; 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in resulting economic damages;  4.5 million tons of animal excrement;  Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air pollutant [13]
The bottom line is reducing or stopping meat intake is the most profound positive contribution you can make to fix Climate Change, reduce and improve the ecology of many ecosystems globally, literally feed the world and improve global inequities, improve animal welfare, and also your health [14]!
  1. http://www.greenkampong.com/tech-science/rethinking-your-disposable-coffee-cup/
  2. Randomly drop into the Macritchie Reservoir car park most days and you will be surprised
  3. Google “climate change greatest threat…”  I would also suggest visiting http://www.climatecodered.net/ (there are other websites) and reading what hard core climate scientists are so concerned about. To talk about containing a (simple) 2c warming or a 1m rise in sea levels is almost grossly negligent and deceiving to what is actually likely to happen… Read Fred Pearce book “With Speed and Violence”
  4. http://www.climatecodered.net/ see article title “350 is the wrong target”
  5. Google “iceless arctic summer”.. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2008/06/27/iceless-arctic.html the sad reality is that the IPCC initially suggested around 2100, then it became 2050, then after the record ice loss recently, it seems inevitable that within 5-10 years (hopefully not sooner) it will be iceless.
  6. http://nsidc.org/quickfacts/seaice.html, and http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/opinion/breaking-views/43546-tough-to-ink-deal-as-sea-levels-inch-up–michael-richardson for other Arctic and or Antarctic comments
  7. http://aphg.jhsph.edu/?event=browse.subject&subjectID=18
  8. http://www.worldwatch.org/node/6294
  9. Google “deforestation”.. depending on where you go anywhere from 70-90% of deforestation is due to grain for feedstock. That is for example soy being grown for animal feeds. You can hear and see this statistic in Yann Arhus Bertrands recent movie documentary Home http://www.home-2009.com/us/index.html
  10. A great book that covers a lot of the ecological issues of eating is “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan.
  11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-freston/vegetarian-is-the-new-pri_b_39014.html
  12. http://www.kathyfreston.com/blogs_by_kathy/17_the_breathtaking_effects_of_cutting_back_on_meat.html
  13. http://www.kathyfreston.com/blogs_by_kathy/17_the_breathtaking_effects_of_cutting_back_on_meat.html
  14. http://www.thechinastudy.com/ most recent and probably best known empirical study that clearly shows that a plant based, whole foods diet is the optimal diet for  humans.

27 April 2010

Pengertian Dofollow dan Nofollow bagi keberadaan website 2

Why wouldn’t I want the search engine spiders to see all of the links on my site? (Or, Why would I use “nofollow”?)
There are many reasons you would want to use the “nofollow” tag, such as:
  1. Paid Links: This is recommended by Google. Essentially, your sites page rank give a small amount of rank juice to the sites you link to (which helps their search engine ranking, which is the purpose of link building, to get that juice from others). If you have a paid link on your site, it’s essentially buying a higher rank in Google. They don’t like that.
  2. Maybe in your blog’s comment section (if using most blog software, this is automatic). It is up to you if you want your commentators to get link juice back to their site. It is personal preference.
  3. When linking to major, very popular sites. If you are linking to google.com, yahoo.com, digg.com (the front page), cnn.com, or whoever else, they are already popular, so you might as well use “nofollow” since your link won’t make or break them.
Another information about Nofollow:
nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target’s ranking in the search engine’s index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of search engine spam, thereby improving the quality of search engine results and preventing spamdexing from occurring.
The concept for the specification of the attribute value nofollow was designed by Google’s head of webspam team Matt Cutts and Jason Shellen from Blogger.com in 2005. The specification for nofollow is copyrighted 2005-2007 by the authors and subject to a royalty free patent policy, e.g. per the W3C Patent Policy 20040205, and IETF RFC 3667 & RFC 3668. The authors intend to submit this specification to a standards body with a liberal copyright/licensing policy such as the GMPG, IETF, and/or W3C.
The nofollow attribute value is not meant for blocking access to content, or for preventing content to be indexed by search engines. The proper methods for blocking search engine spiders to access content on a website or for preventing them to include the content of a page in their index are the Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt) for blocking access and on-page Meta Elements that are designed to specify on an individual page level what a search engine spider should or should not do with the content of the crawled page.
MediaWiki software, which powers Wikipedia, was equipped with nofollow support soon after initial announcement in 2005. The option was enabled on most Wikipedias. One of the prominent exceptions was the English Wikipedia. Initially, after a discussion, it was decided not to use rel=”nofollow” in articles and to use a URL blacklist instead. In this way, English Wikipedia contributed to the scores of the pages it linked to, and expected editors to link to relevant pages.
In May 2006, a patch to MediaWiki software allowed to enable nofollow selectively in namespaces. This functionality was used on pages that are not considered to be part of the actual encyclopedia, such as discussion pages and resources for editors. Following increasing spam problems and a within-Foundation order from Jimmy Wales, rel=”nofollow” was added to article-space links in January 2007. However, the various interwiki templates and shortcuts that link to other Wikimedia Foundation projects and many external wikis such as Wikia are not affected by this policy.
Other websites like Slashdot, with high user participation, use improvised nofollow implementations like adding rel=”nofollow” only for potentially misbehaving users. Potential spammers posing as users can be determined through various heuristics like age of registered account and other factors. Slashdot also uses the poster’s karma as a determinant in attaching a nofollow tag to user submitted links.
Social bookmarking and photo sharing websites that use the rel=”nofollow” tag for their outgoing links include YouTube; websites that don’t use the rel=”nofollow” tag include Digg.com, Furl, Propeller.com (formerly Netscape.com), Yahoo! My Web 2.0, and Technorati Favs.
Search engines have attempted to repurpose the nofollow attribute for something different. Google began suggesting the use of nofollow also as a machine-readable disclosure for paid links, so that these links do not get credit in search engines’ results.
The growth of the link buying economy, where companies’ entire business models are based on paid links that affect search engine rankings, caused the debate about the use of nofollow in combination with paid links to move into the center of attention of the search engines, who started to take active steps against link buyers and sellers. This triggered a very strong response from web masters.
Sourced from inlineseo.com & wikipedia.org.

18 April 2010

Pengertian Dofollow dan Nofollow bagi keberadaan website 1

Apa sih dofollow dan nofollow dalam kegiatan SEO ? Sebuah link yang berasal dari website lain yang mengarah ke website kita mempunyai 2 tipe yang menguntungkan dan tidak bagi hasil pencarian di beberapa search engine besar, dalam hal ini google.com. Maaf sebelumnya, kami tidak punya artikel yang berbahasa Indonesia. Tapi kami yakin Anda bisa memahami bahasa Inggris.

If you’ve been doing any kind of reading about link building, then you’ve probably seen people mentioning “nofollow” and “dofollow” links. These are very important terms to understand when you are trying to build great links back to your site in order to increase your search engine rankings. But, to the person who is new to all of this, it may be kind of confusing. I am going to help break it down for you.
When creating a link on a webpage using HTML, the standard code for that link is:
Search Engine Optimization
It includes the HTML tag, the URL the link will be going to, the text that will be shown on the webpage for that link, and the closing HTML tag.
You are able to add more HTML to the code above, in order to tell the search engine spiders whether or not you want them to follow the link when crawling your website. You may be thinking… “Why wouldn’t I want the search engine spiders to see all of the links on my site?” This is a very valid concern, which I will address further down. First, I am going to show you how to modify the HTML in order to tell the search engine spiders to crawl a link or not.
To tell the spiders to crawl a link, you don’t have to do anything. Simply using the format shown above, the search engine spiders will crawl the link provided.
To tell the spiders to NOT crawl a link, you need to add the following code to the HTML code above:
It would then look like:
Search Engine Optimization
Basically, there is no true “dofollow”, it is just NOT using the “nofollow” tag. Pretty simple, eh?
Why does this matter?
When you are using different methods in order to build links on other websites (to increase your search engine rankings), you need to determine if the websites you are attempting to get your site listed on use the “nofollow” tag or not. If they do, it may still be a good idea to try to get that link there, but it is generally regarded as not the best use of time since the search engines don’t follow that link and you don’t get any increase in search engine rankings from that link.
So, when you are looking for sites and blogs that you could leave your link on (through reciprocal links, commenting on a blog, directory submissions, buying links, etc) figure out if the links in the particular section of the site you are aiming for uses “nofollow” or not.

Don’t Read If You’re Ophidiophobic

 Ini dapat ditemukan dimana-mana dan mengancam keselamatan dan kenyamanan kita. Hati-hati...!!!

It is said, I am told, that these ophidians, these serpents, these insidiously long, round menacing looking snakes can be found everywhere.

Some people love snakes; others revile them.   Some find their reptilian skin; their ways, their look, their movement absolutely enthralling.   I’m not one of the them, but whatever floats your boat.
In this pic below (abnd in the first one at the top of this post) I would assume that the snakes’ rather engorged middle sections are that way probably because they’re full of yet-to-be-digested dinner….as in a small goat.

Well Mr. Snake, please say “Ah”….or not.
Or maybe this is how really large snakes get remnants of a goat meal out from betwixt their fangs.  Whenever I’ve supped on goats, electrified fence wire is always a suitable replacement for a toothpick.

With the advent of global travel and mass transport, huge snakes that could only be found in the darkest, jungle recesses of the Amazan, or Africa, can now be found in a private home in Helena or Hoboken.

True, I’m not a fan of snakes,  but I don’t hate them either.  I don’t scream at the mere  sight of one, nor do they give me the “willies”.   I understand their relevance and the role they play on this mortal coil of ours and while I’m willing to co-exist with them on the same planet, I don’t want to be roomates with them.
To be honest, I don’t want to walk into my bathroom with a very full bladder still dazed after a night of drinking and see a very huge adder.
Especially occupying my seat.

And I don’t care if this snake was “placed” on or in the toilet for maximum photographic effect.    You can see an orange bucket underneath it.   Whether a staged scenario or not, this would NOT be a pleasing sight for me first thing in the morning….
Or at noon…
And especially not at night.
The truth is, while I’m not a herpetologist or an odhidiophile, I respect snakes.  I’ve seen what they can do.  When I was six years old, a little girl (who just learned to walk)  was toddling around her house at night, her mother not far behind, but because it was dark, Little Martha stepped on a rattlesnake–one of those big Texas numbers–and it bit her on the leg repeatedly.    This was small town South Texas in 1965, people.
She died.
I’ve also seen what they can do to mice.
So yes, I respect snakes.  And if I walked in on one in my toilet, I’d show him some of that respect and privacy, too.    I’d wait until he was finished and then I’d probably offer him some toilet paper if he needed it.
Providing, of course, he was ”a viper”.

17 April 2010

Warga Diikat dan Dipukuli Satpol PP

Laporan wartawan KOMPAS.COM Wahyu Satriani Ari Wulan
Rabu, 14 April 2010 | 18:33 WIB
Aksi saling lempar batu saat bentrok antara warga dengan satpol pp dalam upaya pembongkaran kompleks makam Mbah Priuk di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (14/4/2010). Bentrokan ini mengakibatkan sedikitnya 15 orang terluka dan belasan kendaraan roda dua dan empat dibakar massa.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Amin (25) tampak gemetar saat dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Koja, Rabu (14/4/2010). Wajahnya tampak lesu dan ada bercak darah yang telah mengering di bajunya. Celananya tampak compang-camping dan sobek di beberapa bagian.

Dengan mulut bergetar, dia menuturkan telah menjadi korban keganasan Satpol PP dalam kerusuhan antara Satpol PP dan warga yang mempertahankan keberadaan Makam Mbah Priok. Saat itu, dia dan empat temannya ingin mengantarkan air mineral ke warga dan jemaah habib dari pengajian di masjid makam keramat tersebut.

"Kami tadi mau mengantar air mineral ke dalam, ke makam. Tadi sudah reda kan kerusuhannya, makanya berani masuk," tutur dia saat ditemui di RSUD Koja, Jakarta, Rabu (14/4/2010).

Namun sial, dia dan keempat temannya berpapasan dengan beberapa anggota Satpol PP yang keluar dari arah makam. Salah seorang anggota Satpol PP langsung berteriak histeris dan menuding Amin sebagai biang kerusuhan. "Dia teriak dan menuding saya biang ribut, biang rusuh," kata Amin menirukan anggota Satpol PP tersebut.

Tidak lama kemudian, anggota Satpol PP lainnya berdatangan dan mulai memukuli Amin dan empat temannya menggunakan tongkat. Karena mencoba melawan, akhirnya anggota Satpol PP tersebut mengikat Amin dan keempat temannya meggunakan tali tambang. Aksi pemukulan pun berlanjut, bahkan kelimanya ditelanjangi oleh anggota Satpol PP.

"Akhirnya tadi ada polisi dan melepaskan kami. Kami juga disuruh pakai pakaian kembali," tandasnya. Saat ini, situasi di RSUD Koja masih hiruk pikuk.
"Kami tadi mau mengantar air mineral ke dalam, ke makam. Tadi sudah reda kan kerusuhannya makanya berani masuk.
-- Amin-- "

16 April 2010

Priuk Berdarah Jilid II

Massa merusak kendaraan milik aparat saat bentrokan dengan Satpol PP yang berupaya membongkar kompleks makam Mbah Priok di Koja, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (14/4/2010). Bentrokan mengakibatkan sedikitnya seratus orang terluka dan belasan kendaraan roda dua dan empat dibakar massa.

Seorang bocah terluka dalam bentrok antara warga dengan Satpol PP dalam upaya pembongkaran kompleks makam Mbah Priuk di Koja, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (14/4/2010). Bentrokan ini mengakibatkan sedikitnya 100 orang terluka dan belasan kendaraan roda dua dan empat dibakar massa.

Seorang bocah terluka dalam bentrok antara warga dengan Satpol PP dalam upaya pembongkaran kompleks makam Mbah Priuk di Koja, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (14/4/2010). Bentrokan ini mengakibatkan sedikitnya 100 orang terluka dan belasan          kendaraan roda dua dan empat dibakar massa.                                                                                                                                     


    Sungguh Terlalu...SATPOL PP,.....Kau juga Anak Bangsa....! Sadis banget ama warga, padahal kau bukan 'ROBOT' Pemerintah.... Sadarkah kau, darah yang menetes ke Bumi pertiwi dari warga yang ka GEBUKIN itu, adalah darah SAUDARAMU juga.... Semoga Bangsa ini tidak JENUH apalagi sampai MUAK melihatmu...diambil dari facebooknya: 
    Qorib Magelung Sakti

    Gapura di Makam Mbah Priok Akan Dibongkar

    Gapura di Makam Mbah Priok Akan Dibongkar
    Keberadaan gapura dan pendopo di areal Makam Mbah Priok atau Habib Hasan Al-Haddad di Jl TPU Dobo, Kelurahan Koja, Kecamatan Koja, Jakarta Utara, dipastikan  dibongkar Pemerintah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara. Pembongkaran bangunan di area makam bersejarah ini dilakukan, karena di lokasi itu akan dibangun taman dan monumen.
    “Makam Mbah Priok tidak kami bongkar. Namun sebaliknya yang akan ditertibkan adalah bangunan di sekitar areal makam seperti gapura dan pendopo yang ada di areal lokasi makam," jelas Bambang Sugiyono, Walikota Jakarta Utara, Jumat (5/3).  
    Bambang menambahkan, lokasi bekas pembongkaran akan dijadikan monumen seluas 100 meter persegi dan dilengkapi dengan taman. Dengan begitu, kondisi monumen terlihat rapi dan asri. "Selama ini yang beredar Makam Mbah Priok mau dibongkar, bukan makam, hanya area sekitar makam," ungkapnya.
    Menurutnya, bangunan makam itu merupakan milik PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II sesuai dengan bukti kepemilikan Sertifikat Hak Pengelolaan No 01, Koja Utara seluas 1.452.270 M2.
    "Kami sudah melayangkan surat perintah bongkar No 452/-1.711.1 tanggal 26 Januari 2010 yang ditujukan kepada Habib Al Idrus dan Habib Abdullah Sting sebagai pengelola eks Makam Habib Hasan Al Haddad alias Mbah Priok agar segera membongkar sendiri bangunan yang berdiri di atas lahan milik PT Pelindo II, kecuali makam Habib Hasan Al Haddad," jelasnya.
    Selain itu, sambungnya, permintaan pengosongan areal makam itu juga menindaklanjuti Instruksi Gubernur (Ingub) No 132/2009 tanggal 9 September 2009. Sedangkan terkait keberadaan kerangka jasad Habib Hasan Al Haddad atau Mbah Priok telah dipindahkan ke Tempat Pemakan Umum (TPU) Budhidarma, Semperbarat, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara pada tahun 1997 lalu bersamaan dengan 32 rangka lainnya yang ada di TPU Dobo dengan luas 53.054 M2.
    "Sudah dipindah seluruh kerangka termasuk kerangka Mbah Priok beberapa tahun lalu oleh pihak Pelindo," bebernya.
    Namun, pada tahun 1999 bekas lokasi yang diyakini sebagai Makam Mbah Priok itu kemudian dibangun kembali layaknya pusara makam oleh ahli waris Habib Hasan Al Haddad yang kini dikelola Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin dan Habib Abdullah Sting.  
    "Saat ini kami belum bisa melakukan perbaikan kerena ahli waris meminta makam tidak dibongkar. Mereka juga meminta dana ganti rugi tanah sebesar Rp 2 juta per meter persegi dari 53.054 M2 yang dipakai sebagai padepokan dan gapura," jelasnya.
    Bambang menegaskan, jika dalam hitungan 7x24 jam, pengelola Makam Mbah Priok tidak membongkar bangunan yang ada di sekitar makam, pihaknya akan mengerahkan Satuan Satpol PP Jakarta Utara dan Satpol PP DKI Jakarta untuk melakukan penertiban paksa.
    Terkait rencana itu, pengelola Makam Mbah Priok menegaskan tetap bertahan dan akan melakukan perlawanan jika Pemprov DKI Jakarta dan Walikota Jakarta Utara nekat melakukan pembongkaran. "Ya benar kami sudah terima surat instruksi gubernur untuk pemindahan makam. Sekarang kami lagi berjaga-jaga. Kami akan lawan mereka," ujar Habib Ali, pengurus Makam Mbah Priok.
    Menurut Habib Ali, semenjak datangnya surat instruksi gubernur tersebut, warga dan santri siap berjaga-jaga agar Makam Mbak Priok tidak sampai digusur. "Senjata tajam kami punya untuk melindungi lokasi kami, dan ini adalah tanah kami. Sampai saat ini kami masih berjaga, belum tahu kapan dilakukan pembongkaran," tandasnya.


    40 Mobil Satpol PP dan 30 Mobil Polisi Dirusak Massa

    Rabu, 14 April 2010 | 21:32 WIB
    Massa berusaha menggulingkan kendaraan water canon milik polisi saat bentrokan dengan Satpol PP dalam upaya pembongkaran kompleks makam Mbah Priuk di Koja, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (14/4/2010). Bentrokan mengakibatkan sedikitnya seratus orang terluka dan belasan kendaraan roda dua dan empat dibakar massa. KOMPAS IMAGES/DHONI SETIAWAN 
    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Dalam kerusuhan di Koja sepanjang Rabu (14/4/2010) ini, sedikitnya ada 70 mobil milik Satpol PP yang telah dirusak massa. Bahkan, sebagian dari itu ada yang dibakar di Jalan TPU Dobo, Koja. Kini bangkai mobil tersebut dipereteli onderdilnya untuk dibawa pulang. “Ayo, ambilin onderdilnya, ini kan dibeli pakai uang rakyat,” teriak seorang massa mengomandoi massa yang masih beringas di Jalan TPU Dobo, Koja.

    Dari 70 mobil yang dirusak dan dibakar itu, 40 unit milik Satpol PP dan 30 unit lainnya milik polisi. Tak hanya itu, dua alat berat jenis ekskavator dan satu kendaraan water cannon juga tak luput dari amuk massa hingga rusak berat.

    Adapun onderdil yang dipereteli massa itu, antara lain ban, aki, bumper, dan beberapa onderdil lainnya. Bahkan sejumlah peralatan kerja milik Satpol PP, seperti tameng, helm, dan pentungan, turut dijarah massa. “Lumayan buat dijual, ini semua kan dibeli dari uang rakyat,” kata seorang penjarah yang tak diketahui identitasnya.

    Di tempat terpisah, ratusan petugas saat ini terlihat bersiaga di sepanjang Jalan Cilincing Raya guna mengantisipasi serangan balik dari massa yang masih beringas. “Kita masih siaga di sini melihat situasi usai shalat maghrib,” kata Komisaris Polisi Susatyo, Kasat Reskrim Polres Jakarta Utara.



    Mbah Priok Grave to Have Underground Access

    Mbah Priok Grave to Have Underground Access

    BERITA JAKARTA.COM — 4/15/2010 10:11:46 PM

    State port operator PT Pelindo says it will not move the grave of Mbah Priok. Moreover, the company plans to build an underground channel to facilitate pilgrims visiting the tomb, so as to make them not disrupted by container loading-unloading activities.

    The 400-meter-long channel is planned to be constructed from Jl Jampea to the area of Mbah Priok. The construction is expected to be completed this year, with the construction costs entirely borne by PT Pelindo II.

    President Director of PT Pelindo II, R.J. Lino said the construction of the underground channel was intended to provide access to the pilgrims going to the shrine. In line with the construction, the pavilion, and the gate way will be moved to the south side of the grave. This measure is taken in order not to disrupt the entry routes into the container terminal, which is planned to be built in accordance with international standards.

    The project is predicted to spend Rp 1 billion. "Pelindo will finance the construction of the underground access," said Lino after mediation meeting at City Hall, Jakarta, Thursday (4/15).

    Regarding the master plan, Lino explained that it would be made by involving the beneficiaries of the grave, lawyers, community leaders, and Muslim leaders in North Jakarta. The meeting to discuss the master plan is scheduled to be held at the National Commission for Human Rights office Friday (4/16) at 2 p.m.

    Pertaining to material losses incurred from bloody incident taking place Wednesday (4/14) in Mbah Priok’s grave area, the Koja container terminal (TPK) suffered losses reaching 3 billion in total.

    General Manager of TPK Koja, Doso Agung, said when the clash broke out, loading and unloading activities were suspended for several times, especially at the first shift and the third shift. "On yesterday morning, the activities run normally, but when condition became heated, the activities were halted. As a result, we suffer losses of around Rp 3 billion," said Doso, Thursday (4/15).


    Remains of Mbah Priok Not Moved: FPI

    Men salvaging metal from vehicles that were destroyed during clashes between public order officers and local residents in North Jakarta on Thursday. (JG Photo/Safir Makki)
    Men salvaging metal from vehicles that were destroyed during clashes between public order officers and local residents in North Jakarta on Thursday. (JG Photo/Safir Makki)

    Remains of Mbah Priok Not Moved: FPI

    Islamic Defenders Front chairman Muhammad Riziq said on Thursday that the remains of a legendary local cleric remained in the disputed area of Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta, suggesting that the Jakarta administration was lying by saying otherwise.

    The administration insists that the remains of Habib Hasan bin Muhammad Al Hadad, the revered 18th century ulema commonly referred to as Mbah Priok, were moved to Semper, North Jakarta, five kilometers from the disputed cemetery, in 1997.

    “That is utter nonsense. There are locals who know exactly what happened. There are descendants of Habib Hassan,” Riziq said. “People still visit the tomb and twice a year people pray to receive blessings. Why do we pray before an empty tomb?”

    Only one mausoleum can be found inside the 300-square-meter cemetery complex. There are three coffins, one of which is believed to belong to Mbah Priok.

    “Only a few people know which actually belongs to Mbah Priok. In Islam it is forbidden to idolize a mortal so the position is kept secret,” Riziq said.

    The other two belong to Mbah Priok’s colleagues, Al Imam Al Arif Billah and Al Arif Billah Al Habib, according to the caretaker of the tomb, Muhammad Tohir.

    Tohir said some people believed “the arrangements of the tombs” sometimes shifted on their own, through mystical powers. “Usually at Mbah Priok’s feast day, according to the lunar calendar,” the caretaker said.

    In 1997, Tohir said, the government only moved surrounding tombs belonging to Mbah Priok’s descendants.

    “The mausoleum used to be surrounded by other tombs. They were all clerics of the Al Hadad, Al Habsi, Al Idrus and Al Atthos clans,” Tohir said.

    According to local legend, Mbah Priok arrived in the city from Saudi Arabia in the 18th century. His ship was capsized by massive waves and he was found by the locals along with a cooking stove, or periuk , in the Indonesian language.

    Mbah Priok later introduced the locals to Islam and established a mosque and an Islamic learning center. The surrounding area is called Tanjung Priok and Pondok Dayung, in honor of the cleric.

    Wednesday’s deadly clashes occurred because local residents believed public order officers sent to the location were going to move the tomb.

    Jakarta Deputy Governor Prijanto said the plan was to renovate the tomb and declare it a city monument, and to tear down the surrounding illegal structures.


    TV Images of Tanjung Priok Violence too Inflammatory, Minister Says

    Following the deadly clashes in North Jakarta on Wednesday, the government has requested that the media help maintain a conducive situation by desisting from broadcasting such gruesome images in the future.

    “We are urging the mass media not to constantly broadcast such sadistic content because the images could provoke the public,” Minister for Communications and Information Technology Tifatul Sembiring was quoted as saying by news portal Detik.com. “Even though the images are blurred, the sadistic impression lingers,”

    Two national TV stations, namely Metro TV and TVOne, carried live coverage of clashes between Tanjung Priok residents and public order officers on Wednesday, and images of people covered in blood and vehicles being burned were still being repeatedly broadcast on Thursday morning.

    The unrest occurred after residents believed that public order officers had been sent to the area to tear down of the tomb of Habib Hasan bin Muhammad Al Hadad, a revered 18th-century ulema known as Mbah Priok. City officials have said the officers were there to demolish several buildings surrounding the tomb that had no permits, including the gate to the tomb complex, but not the tomb itself.

    Three Satpol officers were killed and more than 100 people injured in the riot. Tifatul asked for calm on boths sides.

    “Every one is advised to avoid provocation. Nobody benefits from this incident, we just ended up killing one another,” he said.

    Tifatul also expressed his condolences for the victims' families.

    “To the victims' families, please accept my condolences. This is a very important lesson for all of us and it must not be repeated in the future,” he said.

    Photo: Jakarta Globe Residents threw rocks at public order officers during a clash in North Jakarta on Wednesday April 14 (JG Photo/Yudhi Sukma Wijaya)


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